Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I am Still Here, Just Busy

This blog has been neglected the past two months. I did have a Christmas break, but I spent most of that time resting and spending time with my family. When I have time, I am still working on towards creating Sacred Spaces in my home and in my garden. However, these long dark cold months are spent with both work in my job and in my school.

This afternoon I had a bit of a respite from my normal routine on my to do list. I took a long nap, had one really good cup of coffee (thanks to my new French Coffee Press I received for Christmas) and I have a bit of time to write before I go to school this evening. The snow from last night still clings to the rooftops that face north, but most of the snow on the ground has melted away. The sun is setting behind the fir trees on the west side of the lake creating golden tinge as it slips to the other side of the world. I am reminded that life is circular and not linear.

I hope to set some time to work on this blog this winter season. I am taking a class, "Sustainable Environments" and I am learning quite a bit what it really means to live organically. I intend to share what I've been learning on this blog.

Until then, I wish everyone warmth this winter season.

In Serenity and Joy

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