This last week in the Northwest we were spoiled with spring like weather. Today I went out to my circular flowerbed to pull out the winter weeds and trim the dried leaves from the butterfly bush. Feeling the warmth of the sun on my back, it was great to begin digging in my garden again.
Last November I bought a St. Francis statue and placed him in my little circular garden. There is a basket for bird seed that the finches and blue jays eat from. This morning a blue jay was perched on St Francis eating out of the basket. Occasionally the bird looked into the face as if he was thanking St. Francis for the food.
February is time to look forward to the coming of spring. The days begin to lengthen and the weather warms up just a bit. There are a few spring like days as a reminder the cold dark winter months are almost behind us.
This spring I will continue work on my prayer and meditation garden. In addition my husband and I are planning an organic vegetable garden in our back yard. We will begin small and slowly build the garden up.
Here is to a hope for the spring to come!
In Serenity and Joy
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