Welcome to "Adventures in Creating Sacred Spaces". This is the Gnostic's Martha Stewart/Rachael Ray on decorating, gardening, cooking and well being discussion blog.
If you've been following my other blog, "Spectrum of Light", you already know I've become obsessed with creating a prayer garden. That obsession has spilled over into other areas of my home and my life. My house occupies three men (my husband and two sons) one male dog and one female cat. We also have a fish tank, but I have no idea what gender the fishes are. There is probably a mixture of male and female because eggs keep appearing and hatching thus creating more fish. If the older fishes haven't eaten the younger fishes.
But I digress. The point is, I live in a very full house. And lately I've had the desire to create spiritual beauty within and without the walls of my home. This also includes creating sacred spaces with in body, mind and spirit. The sacred spaces we carry within can be invaluable in the chaos of this world.
I intend for this journal to become one of sharing ideas and discussion about all of our adventures in creating random acts of spiritual beauty to nourish ourselves, and to also share with the world. Even if the world does not get it.
One point I want to make clear is, I am no expert at home and garden decor. For example, when I go to the nursery to purchase a plant, I have no plan. I see something I like, I buy it and plant it. Sometimes the plant flourishes and will last many lifetimes in my garden, or sometimes I do something wrong and the plant withers and dies. It's all about trial and error and keeping a sense of humor. When we first moved into our house 17 years ago, I tried to keep fuchsias alive hanging in pots in my backyard in the shade. My neighbor Alice said they needed to be in the shade. I tried everything to keep the fuchsias alive, but they all died. My husband joked that he was going to start burying the fuchsias in yard and erect crosses. I decided that I am not a fuchsia type of girl.
Comments are always welcome on both of my blogs. Especially if you have any tips on gardening or home decor or recipes you'd like to share.
In Serenity and Joy