My morning routine is more time consuming. I wake up and make coffee. While the coffee is brewing, I pour myself a bowl of cereal or toast an English muffin and watch about 15 minutes of the news. After I eat and find there is no major catastrophe on the highway I drive to work, I sit in my green rocking chair that has a view of Lake Washington. This is when I read my daily reader from Al-anon, write my gratitude list of ten ways I've been blessed and write two and half pages in my journal. Afterwards I get ready for work. This routine, for the most part, puts me in an attitude of serenity, peace and joy.
I would like to hear about your morning routines and rituals. The way we begin the day can be important on how we handle stressful situations or help us see blessings we normally do not acknowledge, such as the car starting in the morning and getting us safely to work.
Below are pictures of where I begin my day.
My green rocking chair where I write, read, meditate and pray.
A view of Lake Washington. What a wonderful way to begin the day!
In Serenity and Joy
1 comment:
Hi Andrea,
Your morning sound relaxing. Mine is as well, but in a different way as I have much to do before going to work.
I get up at 5am. I go upstairs and change the offering bowls at the Chenrizi altar in the Shrine room, take the old offered water down to the cat and the plant. I go back up and sit for a few minutes on my meditation cushion and breath, center, get grounded, so to speak.
Then I have a several daily practices including Green Tara, White Tare, Medicine Buddha and a couple of others. I reciete my vows and prayers for the Order of Escarmonde and do my first hour of the day Prime.
BAck down the stairs and into the Temple for my LBRP, BRH. I have been neglcting my MP latley and need to start that again.
Now it is coffee and time and time to check my Daily Dilbert. If I have time I will actualy put on make up before going to work, but if not I don't worrry about it.
Wow it must be 6:30 and time to drive to work by now!
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