Friday, September 7, 2007

Blue Jay Haiku

As I sitting in my backyard and writing in my journal this morning, a flock of blue jays descended onto my pine tree. They were all squawking loudly about something or other, so I wrote a Haiku. Before I share, I believe words in form of poetry, prose, and stories are sacred spaces. Metaphors can take us to places of extreme peace in our minds. In other words a sacred space can be anything you want. It is the essence of the sacred, the material is only a reminder.

The Haiku has nothing to do with peace however, since blue jays, although beautiful, are very annoying noisy and pushy birds. Enjoy.

The blue jays squawking
Gather in their meeting place
Arguing with a passion

If you have a haiku you'd like to share, please do so on the comments.

In Serenity and Joy

1 comment:

Veritas said...

Beautiful haiku! They are my favorite kind of poetry.