Meet the new addition to our family, Dryad. My husband saw him on craigslist and called the family that could not keep him anymore. Suki (I spell Suki with an S Paul spells Suki with a T because Tsuki means moon in Japanese) and Rascal are having a really difficult time adjusting to the new family member.
Rascal seems to want to make friends with Dryad. He's constantly hanging around the new cat, wagging his tail, looking at Dryad with his big black eyes pleading with him to be his friend. All he gets in return is a hiss. Suki is busy letting Dryad know who is actually the boss and that most of the house is her territory. She allows him to stay in our room, but goes in there every once in a while to make certain he knows his place. Dryad seems to be taking it all in stride.
Dryad is beginning to venture out a bit more. He likes to hide in cupboards and on the shelf in the bathroom. I'm certain all three animals will get along in their own way soon.
Dryad has a quiet strength and is affectionate. Unfortunately we are his fourth home in his 3 1/2 years of life. And Dryad is his third name. He first began as Lester, then Q-ball and now Dryad. I think we'll do him a favor and not change his name again.
Our home seems to be the last stop for abandoned animals. Suki had two homes before she came to live with us. Rascal was put in the humane society in Tacoma and by some miracle he was transferred to PAWS in Lynnwood, where we adopted him. Twenty one years ago an alley cat we named Ebony decided that she would live with us. She stayed on our porch for two weeks until my husband let her in the house. She was with us for 17 years. And in 1995 we had Rex. He was a very sweet collie mix that had a multitude of health problems. We were his second home.
As much as I love animals, I think for now three is plenty. Animals, when they get along, add love and warmth to a home. Right now it's a little chaotic on the establishing of relationships. But as with all relationships, the animals will figure out a way to get along and set their boundary's. This should be interesting to observe.
In Serenity and Joy
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